Wednesday Creative Shots, Episode 7

This week we look at why things aren’t always what they appear to be, good and bad, and why it can make a big difference in communications. What you see isn’t reality, but sometimes that’s really cool.


What Do You See


Shifting through different realities, this image is a journey within it itself. Look closely. Then look again. Then zoom in.


Yes, Typography Matters

Typography matters Benjamin Bannister


Words matter. The order of words matter. How the type is treated matters. It all affects readability. Professional communicators and artists should know this. This article is a great explanation on how a misstep could have been avoided.


Messing With Reality

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This kind of speaks for itself, but we love experiential executions of ideas that create reactions, especially those that utilize technology.


Bite Size Beats

Create your own beats. Really, you can do it. 


What’s Next …

From Nate Hallum, Wilson Rebranding Web Development :
“When you can …
Get rid of robot clumsiness (which they’re clearly making strides on)
Get AI to understand context closer to how a human does (This is also happening at an alarming rate)
Combine those first two attributes with things like Watson … things are going to get real crazy. Computers are already thousands of times better at crystalized knowledge tasks, memory, math, etc.”


Human Race

Chevrolet ‘The Human Race’ Short Film from The Mill on Vimeo.

We go from exhilarating to mind-blown with technology. Again.

And the Making Of

Behind the Scenes: Chevrolet ‘The Human Race’ from The Mill on Vimeo.

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