If you missed it, the Wilson blog was a happening place in 2017. For a quick recap, here are the five most popular posts from the last year, but there are plenty more—check them out.
1. Destination Marketing: From Barn Roofs to Smartphones
People plan for and travel differently now. Fortunately for marketers, a variety of tools, technology, and platforms have evolved that enable them to keep pace by being much more targeted with their efforts.
2. Why Brands Need to Sharpen Their Focus
Does 20% of your audience make up 80% of your revenue? The trend is towards a ratio of 95/5 today! That is a much smaller target and makes finding and focusing on your core audience even more important than ever before.
3. Five Gates of Branding: Offer
Products lose their relevance. But great brands live forever. How can that be? That’s because your brand is not your product: your brand is what you promise and offer the customer.
4. Five Gates of Branding: Delivery
Brand delivery is where your brand finally puts it all together and closes the loop with the customer. All of the work that you have done through the previous brand gates has led you here. Now it’s time for some big decisions: how and where to actually connect with the customer.
5. Five Gates of Branding: Message
Owning the perfect position, with a great offer, and the right audience won’t matter if your brand message doesn’t connect. It’s that simple. Like every brand aspect, the message must evolve, slightly in some cases, more drastic in others, or the brand will lose its relevance.
Want to learn more about the Five Gates of Branding? Download the ebook.
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